How To Choose the RIGHT Aerial Yoga Teacher Training for YOU

Fitness trends have come and gone but for 5000 years yoga has delivered its promise of a healthier mind, body, and soul.   Aerial yoga takes these benefits to the next level and adds a element that is not available in any other style of Yoga. The  the use of a hammock adds a deeper element of health and fitness due to the suspension in midair. 

If you have tried Aerial Yoga, loved it, feel and understand the benefits  and would like to share this healing practice with others, then becoming a aerial Yoga teacher sounds like the perfect thing to do!

Checklist in Choosing the Aerial Yoga Teacher Training

Ready to be an aerial yoga teacher? Here is a checklist that will guide you in finding the right class.

The hours matter!

Did you know Aerial Yoga Teacher trainings are only 50hrs and under!  This includes online and onsite training. Although this may sound great and quick it is not enough to register with any Yoga governing body as the minimum training requirement is 200 hours. 

This becomes except if you are already an existing Yoga teacher with previous certification.  In this case you just add your current aerial yoga training hours to your membership as continued training.  But if you’ve had no previous Yoga training in any style and you cannot register with any Yoga organisation if your course is under 200 hours.  

The Aerial Yoga Academy is a very comprehensive aerial yoga teacher training.  You do not need any previous Yoga teacher training certification to become an Aerial Yoga teacher with the Aerial Yoga Academy.

Yep, you read that right. Our Aerial Yoga teacher training covers all the traditional aspects of floor yoga including patanjalis sutras,  pranayama, chakras and much more.

The Instructor

It is also a must that you look into the experience and certification of your instructor. Check out their profiles online and find out if they got their certification from a reputable school.

 Master Monique is an advanced yoga teacher and holistic specialist who is registered and certified in Australia and internationally at the highest level. 

She has been teaching for over 15 years and has completed over 1,000 hours of training. Her experience includes teaching over 5,000 classes and students across five countries ranging from England to India to Asia. 

Monique is currently registered with Yoga Australia as a senior/advanced yoga teacher and with World Yoga Alliance as a 500hr registered Yoga Teacher. She is also a member of the International Holistic Institute, Global Academy for Energy Education and the International Institute of Complimentary Medicine.

The Location and Price

One of the most crucial factors in deciding an aerial yoga teacher training class is its location. It does not matter if you are attending the most elite aerial yoga class in the city if it is too far from home or the price is to expensive it is not the training right for you.

The Aerial Yoga Academy allows students to teach anywhere in the world upon completion! All from the comfort of your own home! No need to sacrifice family or work obligations! Save thousands of dollars in travel, accommodation and meals. We supply you with the most comprehensive Aerial Yoga Teacher training certification on the market today, plus the most affordable.

A professional Yoga organisation Approval

The school itself should be certified by one of the available Yoga Alliance organisation's located around the world. The yoga organization holds highly the values and content required for a professional school to meet when providing a quality aerial yoga teacher training course. 

The Aerial Yoga Academy is a reputable, registered school, certified and acknowledged by 'World Yoga Alliance" & "The Association of Yoga Professionals"!